In late September, the workers will strike demanding mass workers' welfare. Employers also can not do much.
Chairman of the Indonesian Employers Association Sofjan Wanandi complained about labor issues have become a political commodity officials. He pointed out in some areas, the head of the area to be re-developed in the elections to raise wages without any basis just to boost his popularity.
"Last year we were no problems triggered by electoral Bekasi regent. Council wage in the area, increased labor costs. We enter to the administrative court, exploded and workers feel the company does not help," he added, at the Jakarta Police and the coordination of related
Chairman of the Indonesian Employers Association strike mass at Metro Jaya Police Headquarters.
After that, call Sofjan, the workers forced employers in Bekasi and Karawang to sign the agreement on wages, outsourcing, and social security. According to him, not all companies can and are able to meet all the demands of the workers. This is because most companies are incorporated in
Chairman of the Indonesian Employers Association small and medium enterprises.
In addition, labor costs are sometimes set by Regents and sporadic local governor. In fact, continued Sofjan existing Wage Board should examine the question of wages.
He said the region's most vulnerable workers in opposition to the action of the Jakarta, Bekasi and Banten. If there is one area succeeded in raising wages, the workers in other areas will require a similar increase.
While the issue of outsourcing, Sofyan said the company also was not like this system because they lose off workers already trainning. However, for some specific occupations, employers feel that if a lazy employee appointed as an employee it will hurt the company.
Although these workers polemic continues to roll, Sofjan agreed the need for a tripartite dialogue between business, government, and labor. Sofjan requested that labor representatives are invited to a dialogue can be respected friends the other so that the agreement can be executed by all parties.
While related to mass strike action to be performed late September, Sofjan admitted entrepreneur can not do anything to prevent it.



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